
Leonore Alaniz

Attar Mellea

Corina Barrett

Anne Beresford

Jean Bergstrom

Olivia Bernard

Rema Boscov

Carole DeSanti

Rosie Dinsmore

Nancy Emond

Marilyn London-Ewing

Alice E Field

First Mountain Design

Leslie Fisette

Joy Friedman

Bess Hepner

Bob Hepner

Rhoda Juels

Ron Juels

Carole King

Parmatma Khalsa

SiriNamSingh Khalsa

Corinne Larsen

Chris Nelson

Leverett C Chorus

&Anne Louise White

Holly Lynton

Susan Mareneck

Louise Minks

Susan Mulholland

Don Ogden

William Rathbun

John Rathbun

Janine Roberts

Paul Root

Laureen Shea

Sue Swartz

Macaylla Silver

Elsje Sturtevant

Cynthia Thomas

Betty Thurston

Susan Valentine

Kerry Alisa Young

Ruth West


Susan Valentine

Susan Valentine

Susan Valentine took up painting late in life. It was that auspicious summer of her 57th year that her friend, Robin Keller, gently led Susan to put paint on brush to canvas. She'll never be the same.

Originally from the North Shore of Massachusetts, Susan came from Boston proper to her Leverett home in the early '90's. Working in graphic design from home and having studio space at Greenfield Community College ( keeps her busy and happy. Susan began practicing graphic design when she started teaching yoga in 1994 in order to promote her classes. It was over ten years before she would study it formally with Rick Schneider, a very talented Leverett graphic artist. It was from Rick that Susan got her initial training in composition.

When asked, Susan says: Do I have advice for you? If you're artistically inclined I do! Follow your dream—and do it all the way…You might just discover who you really are. There's no time like the present!

Susan ValentineSusan Valentine