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250 anniversary
Take a Tour of Historic Leverett
Town of Leverett
Contact Us
Leverett Family Museum
One Shutesbury Road in Leverett Center.
Formerly the Bradford M. Field Memorial Library, it was built in 1916 and served the town as a library until 2003. A collection of local artifacts, photographs, books, and papers, depicting the agricultural, economic, and industrial endeavors of the town as well as its social history, has accumulated over the years and is now available for viewing by the public. We are part of the Leverett Historical Society and are open from 10-12 on Saturday mornings or by appointment. Free admission. For further information, call 548-9452 or 548-9207.
Leverett Sawmill
65 N Leverett Rd
Restoration of the North Leverett Sawmill,65 N Leverett Rd,
is currently happening and this may one day be part of the programs and focus of the Leverett Historical Society as well.
Leverett Schoolhouse
The Moore’s Corner Schoolhouse
220 N. Leverett Rd.
3 miles East of the junction of Rte. 63 and N. Leverett Rd.
One location is the Historic Moore’s Corner School/Meeting House nestled in the north end of town. This 1810 building was once a religious meeting house and for many years the local one-room schoolhouse. Recently this historic structure has had its bell tower returned high atop of the building. Now, all can once again hear meetings and celebrations commence at the toll of the historic bell.
This building has been the home of the Leverett Historical Society since the 1960’s when a group of concerned citizens took over the abandoned building and restored it into a museum with locally donated artifacts, books, and genealogy materials.
Leverett Library
Leverett Congregational Church
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